
Upload Videos To Earn. A Platform Made For Video Creators.

An innovative platform designed with content creators in mind. Creators of video content can now easily make a living from their efforts. Share your videos with the world by uploading them. Users get access to a dashboard where they can manage their earnings and withdrawals. You can charge your audience or offer free Videos, and you can even make money from them by having them donate or send gifts to support your work.
Video Vlogging Girls



Great For Newbies
$ 00 00
Upload Videos
You Offer Free/Paid Videos
Earn 2% From Your Videos
Earn From Audiance Donations
Earn From Gift Points
Control Own Dashboard

Basic Plan

Great For Individual Customers
$ 4 99
Upload Videos
You Offer Free/Paid Videos
Earn 50% From Your Videos
Earn From Audience Donations
Earn From Gift Points
Control Own Dashboard

Gold Plan

Great For Individual Customers
$ 29 99
Upload Videos
You Offer Free/Paid Videos
Earn 80% From Your Videos
Earn From Audience Donations
Earn From Gift Points
Control Own Dashboard

Premium Plan

Great For Individual Customers
$ 99 99
Upload Videos
You Offer Free/Paid Videos
Earn 90% From Your Videos
Earn From Audience Donations
Earn From Gift Points
Control Own Dashboard


Create Videos

Do you produce video content? Alright! Take captivating pictures with your phone, camera, etc.

Upload Videos

You can now upload videos to our website, and we'll promptly review and approve them

Earn From Points

For each piece of helpful, educational, and informative information you share with your audience, they will award you with points.

Video Vlogging

Earnings From Premium Vid

Video content producers can choose the most significant pieces of their work to offer as premium or paid content.

Dashboard Withdrawal

After registering, content providers are given access to a free dashboard where they can conveniently process withdrawals and other requests.

Follow And Be Followed

It is possible for content providers to follow others and to be followed by others; the more followers an individual has, the more favourable

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